CCTV Science and Technology Education Channel

2017-01-19 18:19

The winter of 2015 witnessed continuous smoggy and hazy weather sweeping through many parts of China, the northern area of which, due to geographical and meteorological reasons, suffered all the more. In order to overcome the unfavourable weather, many regions in the north issued red or orange alerts and initiated a series of counter measures. However, just like the formation of them, the control of fog and smog is rather time-consuming. (from Approaching Science, Episode Indoor Air Purification, broadcasted on January 19th, 2017)

2017 Huicong Household Appliance Expo in Beijiao Town Shunde City


The 2017 Huicong Household Appliance Expo will be opened on March 1st in Huicong Househould Appliance Town. The Exhibition will last for 4 days and is expecting 700 exhibitors and numerous buyers nationwide to gather for a feast of household appliances in the exhibition hall, which covers an area of 100,000 square meters. More than 10,000 new household products will be showcased then. Coolture's exhibition area will be inside the exhibition hall.


2017-02-06 10:17:19


2017中国年货大数据报告出炉: 空气净化器成畅销新年货

2017-01-23 16:25

中证网讯(记者 任明杰)继去年推出中国年货数据报告后,1月23日,阿里巴巴再次发布了2017“中国年货大数据报告”.报告 Display,健康和休闲娱乐已经成为人们置办年货的首要需求,无论是越吃越“土”、越吃越素的年夜饭,以进口食品为代表的时尚洋年货,还是空前畅销的空气净化器,都饱含着人们对鸡年春节最美好的祝愿.

央视揭秘: 空气净化器里的奥秘,原来我们都买错了

2016-12-20 21:31:00



2016-08-24 17:28:13


拨开空气净化器迷雾 小编教你学知识: 买空气净化器前的必看

2016-04-26 09:48


拨开空气净化器迷雾 净化器知识扫盲

2014-09-17 05:00:00

2011年10月以来,包括北京上海在内的多地持续出现大雾天气,严重影响居民日常生活.雾霾走进公众视线,空气污染问题再次引起全社会高度关注. (《走近科学》 20170119 室内空气净化)

空气净化器: 检测机构哪家强

2014-12-22 11:26:16
